Sunday, February 12, 2006

Ray-bans and Jack Daniels

thus ends my two week vacation. the first week kind of sucked, i was supposed to fly monday, tuesday, friday and saturday. it rained monday, tuesday, friday, and saturday. someone somewhere hates me...alot.

enter the second week. i was scheduled to fly everyday and just about did. here's the recap of daily events:

monday: bumpiest day i have ever flown. for the most part it sucked. almost died at Fitchburg state airport and met the biggest tool ever to pilot an airplane. we got knocked around a bit leaving the field, which is bordered by cliffs on all in there are big hills no matter which way you go. we were climbing out but the wind disagreed with that and kept us down, we cleared the building on top of the hill by about 100 feet. yeehaw.

tuesday: still bumpy but not so bad. rather uneventful. went to sigur ros that night which was unreal of course. those of you unfamiliar with the band go to to check them out. watch a video..its worth it.

wednesday: meh...slow day. flew but not a whole lot.

thursday: first aerobatic lesson. loops, barrel rolls, and most interestingly landing a tailwheel airplane for the first time. tailwheel airplane = one of those planes that doesnt have a wheel under the nose..get it? its like trying to drive a car with wheel under the nosewheel.

friday: flew to norwood and picked up my first pair of ray bans, making me an official pilot in the eyes of many.

das it. of course other things have happened over the break which i will divulge in the near future. since i cant say too much i will just say this as a teaser. i am moving.


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