Sunday, January 22, 2006

I feel bad for W

I feel bad for W. he has enjoyed a long life of always being associated with good things. lately though, its been nothing but bad news. there is going to be an entire generation out there who will forever associate W with failure and stupidity. its just not his fault. he was doing really well. george Washington, theres a W that is respected. WWI and WWII, while grotesquely brutal, symbolize good being triumphant over evil and there is W, mentioned twice for each war! for those of you who partake, Weed means good times...and starts with a W! Walter chonchrite, Winston churchill, Wham! W, W, W and its all good! William jefferson clinton, William shatner, Wine, the Who, Who's the boss! W,W,W,W,W and its still all good. the word Wicked...its awesome! and then........and then there was dubya.


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