Monday, January 23, 2006

Gettin me an edumacation

Ive been reading a lot of books lately.  I got to a point where I looked at myself and said “self, youre a smart dude, but you haven’t read shit.”  So I made an effort to read the classics that I never picked up.  Ive only made a miniscule little dent into this list of classics but its enough to make me big headed and think even more highly of myself than I already do.  (some of you are probably rolling your eyes saying “if that’s even possible”).  Titles include Plato’s Republic, To Kill a Mockingbrd, Bill Clinton’s My Life, Everything is Illuminated, The Bell Jar, and a bunch of airplane related things that none of you will care about.  Plato was tough to get through…real tough but fascinating.  This all took place thousands of years ago.  The only disappointing thing is that its been so long and we are still asking ourselves the same questions.  This makes me feel both unoriginal and unevolved.  Shouldn’t we have made some kind of process?  To kill a mockingbird, fandeetastic.  Bill Clinton, I know its not a classic but damn he is the man.  The book reads like a laundry list of why he is cool.  It also reads like a grocery list of every person he has ever met and what influence they had on him.  Everything is Illuminated is also a new one but it was a terrifically fun read, the dogs name is Sammy Davis Jr, Jr.  need I say more?  The Bell Jar, if a poet wrote a book what would it be like?  Slightly mental is what.  Brilliant writing, brilliant observations, brilliant procession into madness. 

I wonder if ive lived enough to write a book.  Jonathan Safran Foer was only 21 (I think…might be younger) when he wrote Everything is Illuminated.  I just don’t think ive lived enough really.  Havent hurt enough, haven’t seen enough, haven’t loved enough?  Maybe I have though.  If I did an autobiography it would include all the breakups (the top 5, see previous entries), my dads accident, getting bullied around as a kid which I suppose is typical, my parents divorce, the band…none of those things were fun.  I just don’t have any huge thing though, the closest I get is my dads accident. You read about people going through crazy things, rehabs, overdoses, suicides, beatings, molestations, I never had any of that happen to me.  Does that make me a novice in the human experience?  I don’t think that’s necessarily so, I have my own demons.  The worst ones are my grandiose aspirations and my overwhelming want to love.  But I think I need to see some more of life, some more of the world before I start to write.  I need to see more horizons, more sunsets, more mountains, more fields…yeah.  Thank god im a pilot. 


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