Sunday, December 25, 2005

happy holidays assholes

and so merry merry christmas...and what have you done? have you made your life better? why not? i have. i chased after my biggest dream and conquered it. i earned my wings, joining a long list of people who i admire. charles lindbergh, chuck yeager, richard bach, bob hoover, bud anderson, amelia. we are seperated by time and we are seperated by space, but we all speak the same language, we all chase the same horizons and melt into the same sunsets. its a beautiful feeling, one that i cant believe i am so lucky to feel. i love flying, it is my life.
while another dream is lived out, another dream falls of a cliff and dies a horrific fiery death. with the members of the laura glyda band heading off into different directions, both literally and figuratively, its easy to be angry and bitter, and sad, maybe even a little lonely. ive learned that being bitter about it is stupid, a waste of time and a waste of energy. i cant hate laura, i cant blame dave. they are too good friends, i love them both.
speaking of love, i think ive reached the summit of my heartache. ive topped it, i can look down and see where ive been. i can think about all the lessons i learned on the way up. ive got new ideas about love and what role it plays in life, and what exactly love is. i can sum it up all rather quickly. love is all there is in life. whether its love for your job or your dog, your car, or best of all your wife or husband, its all that matters. love what youre doing, love where you are, love who you are with and love who you are and i promise you happiness. now what is love. love is selflessness. love is devotion, trust, faith, honesty and an absence of fear. with it you can conquer anything.
this next year is when everything happens for me. here we go.....


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