Sunday, December 04, 2005

Number 5.

I just finished reading High Fidelity. While the film is already one of my favorites of all time, the book was almost painful in how close to home it hit. Me being a masochist of course, fell in love with it and now list the book as one of my favorites as well. To mark this momentous occasion I have decided to follow Rob down memory lane and list my top 5 worst break ups ever. Get comfortable, and if your name falls on this list, I probably don’t hate you, but shit, you should have guessed anyway.

1) Sarah
2) Laura
3) Abbie
4) Jen
5) Tiffany

For the next few days I will post my thoughts on each one of these so stay tuned. For now, here is number 5.

5) Tiffany S. (8th grade): Did I break up with her? Yes I did. So why the hell does she fall in the top five? Because of what happened afterwards. You’ll find that this is a common theme in almost all of the breakups, it wasn’t necessarily the initial explosion that killed me, but the fallout was murder. So what happened to her you ask? I broke up with her because I realized that after dating her for 8 months, that I really didn’t care about her all that much. She was younger and immature and I didn’t feel like dealing with it, so I ditched. She was devastated, crying, screaming, wailing, the whole nine. I never heard from her again but from a mutual source I did find out that within the next year she had turned into a pothead and had an abortion. I cant say that I was a direct cause of either of those things, but I still blamed myself to some degree. In my arrogant little mind I figure that her first heartbreak was probably too much for her to bare, so she dealt with it in whatever way she could, smokin up, getting laid, getting pregnant. I think she might have been afraid of getting hurt again so she turned into this permeable mush, ready to do whatever was asked of her. back then, what matters to 15 year old guys? gettin some and nothing else. what else is there to do anyway? nothing. i recall thinking that i wasnt getting enough and i may have actually said that to her. i cant remember exactly but if i did....whoops, that was stupid. i barely remember anything else about it, but having that potential of really screwing somewhat up is enough to place her at number 5. welcome to the list.


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