Sunday, June 04, 2006

good luck and goodbye

how many conversations have you had recently that are solely based on complaints? oh this person sucks, government sucks, this band blows, im single, my ex sucks blah blah blah blah blah. i will gaurantee you any amount of money that in the past week at least 70% of all the conversations you have held in a non-professional setting have been based on some type of complaint or dissatisfaction with some element of your life, no matter how big or small.

fuck that.

you know why everyone complains about shit? do you know why it is that everyone is bitching about everything all the time? because its goddamn easy to, thats why. its easier to be unhappy than it is to be happy, of course it is. how easy is it to go around saying that nothing is right, nothing is good, everything sucks as opposed to being happy with where you are with everything. e-x-p-o-n-e-n-t-i-a-l-l-y. i think it has a lot to do with keeping yourself out of something, staying noncommital. figure that once you say you are happy with something or something, you are setting a precedent. you are expected to remain happy with this thing until a) you die or b) it ends and you end up heartbroken or at the very least, back to square one, squabbling in a puddle of dissappointment, smelling like piss. so if you follow the logic, and assimilate dissatisfaction with fear, you could basically then deduce that most people are goddamn cowards.

suck it up folks.



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