Saturday, May 06, 2006

and now for my final trick...

wow. just wow. i reached the pinnacle of stupidity. i did something so amazingly dumb that its funny in a tragic kind of way. basically, i sent a text message to the wrong person. while the message was innocent enough, in the wrong hands, its deadly.
i found something out that wasnt upsetting, just amazingly hugely surprising. the wow kind of surprise where the only thing you can do is sit there and say over and over "youre kidding?!?!" or "holy shit", things to that affect. so i am having a complete Rob from high fidelity moment (quite literally standing in my kitchen with my arms over my head yelling IM FINE NOW!!!! the movie again..its in there) when i decide that my friend will find this very interesting. not only that, but she will find it interesting in relation to how the rest of my week went. so i sent her a text message. and you know i even recall thinking about how i phrased it, figuring that she would understand what i meant by it. little did i know....
as soon as i hit the send button...i realized that didnt send it to who i thought i sent it to. i fell forward (not making this up) as if i were trying to catch the digital signal before it got too far away. i missed. instead i just ended up on the floor of the previously mentioned kitchen yelling "NOOOOOOOOOO." anyone looking in would have been laughing their asses off. actually, i think i was laughing my ass off because the stupidity of the moment was already beating me over the head with a club...with rusted nails sticking out of it...and a couple dull spoons too, hey why not.
i called mark. mark knows this area of life and finds humor in all my tragedy. so i tell him the first part, the amazingly huge surprising news.

"wow. welcome to the club" his response.

then i tell him about the high fidelity moment and the text message and the realization of the wrong recipient and the falling forward and the floor and the NOOOOOOOOOOOO.

"WOW. chris porter, you are amazing. you know, usually youre doing something to kind of keep up with me and my errors, but every once in a while you go ahead and do something that just totally raises the bar. you are fucking awesome. my birthday is next week, and ill buy YOU a drink. i think you need it more than i do."

thats what friends are for. (sung ala dionne warwick)


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