Saturday, May 27, 2006


top 5 most memorable things that happened while i was living in boston:

note: these are in no supposed to be good happy things. just the things that i wont soon forget.

1) 9.11.01

chaos. no one knowing what was going on. would the pru be hit? they flew out of boston? they are patrolling the city with F-15's. our generations pearl harbor. how many times have you been asked where you were when it happened? ill never forget it.

2) dads accident.

sarah had just gotten back from spring break. my sister called while i was in the shower. my own personal terror

3) grampy passes

found out while on the T home from work while going through packards corner. it was a monday.

4) sox win

of course i was in nyc at the time, but who cares. holy f bomb, that actually happened.

5) graduation from NU

it was the first time i saw my dad stand on his own since the accident. standing on the floor of the fleet center, seeing that, he was superman.

yes, i realize the brevity of the post but ive been up since 7am packing, moving, unpacking, setting up, not resting at all. im just about done and im pretty pleased with the new digs. i can go outside like i said i was looking forward to, the dog is around, baby rabbits in the backyard, airplanes low overhead. i dig it.

goddamn. pink floyd is awesome.


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