Sunday, April 02, 2006

decision 2006

i have put way more thought into this than any reasonable being should ever put. this has been on my mind for awhile now and i just cant come to a decision. should i buy an xbox or not?
here is the argument for it: i have never done anything purely stupid. ive always done stuff that would educate me in some way, mentally, grammatically, physically and so forth. but video games are just pure stupid fun. there is nothing to be learned from them at all other than the fact that repetitive thumb motions will result in sore thumbs. also, with my move to RI soon, ill need something to keep me entertained. i am going to be spending all day working on stuff that i would normally work on at night. so basically, i might just have this giant guilty conscious lifted off my shoulders. yes i can do something stupid every once in awhile, and not worry about wasting my time!
argument against it: well, that may all be true but with the time you do waste you could still be doing something better. you have to figure that there is someone out there that wants to be the best. and whoever works the hardest is going to be the best. so while i may be sitting on my tookus playing splinter cell for the 14th straight hour, my competition has been reading or studying, or making contacts or just doing something. and they will be better than me. and what was the trade off? i had stupid fun.
i think i just answered my own questions.


Blogger Dave Amirault said...

Just get a god damn xbox.

1:47 AM  

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