Monday, October 02, 2006

Man New Her

alright, im pissed off. ive spent the last few minutes or hours, whatever unit of time youd like to use, reading some dribble that some random folks are spouting off about the world of love and life and blah blah blah blah blah. now, if you were to go back and read some of my entries from years past, youd see that i would be guilty as charged and stand proud amongst the dribblers. id yell "but we are sensitive! and need to make sense of it all! and it is only through using words of grandeur painted on my canvas of melancholy that i can find direction and solitude, bringing color to my otherwise grayscale world!"

it is at this juncture that i would like to interject my new favorite word:


im gonna lay it out for you (use that plurally). get over/off/past it. stop trying to dance around whatever is going through your head. it happened, they left you, you left them, she or he is now licking and sucking on someone else and you can go out and do the same exact thing. and you know what? you will. so stop wasting your time with this aformentioned dribble and do something productive. stop looking for it, let it happen. if you keep on looking for something to happen, youll wake up one day and realize that you just wasted half your life trying to find what was inevitable in the first place. so relax, take a breather, go do something fun. stop trying to wrap your mind around something that youll never be able to wrap your mind around. you can try, but its going to be like that christmas present where you can still see the box on the end where the two sides of wrapping paper dont meet. its a walkie-talkie. see? i just ruined the surprise.
im not trying to be insenstive or anything here folks. ive had enough time to digest the same thing that you are all trying to deal with now. and the best thing i came up with, the most comforting thing i ever said to myself was life goes on. and if you can believe that that is a great thing, youll be all set.


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