Saturday, July 08, 2006

the social habits of the rhode island pooter

okay maybe not social habits, but since ive been down here, ive picked up some new routines that i find rather interesting. yeah its saturday night at 10:45 and im home. i stayed in to study flying stuff but needed a break and now you all get to learn about me. arent you excited?

first habit, eventough its more of a condition as opposed to a habit, is that im turning into a workaholic. since june 19th, there have only been three days that i have not gone in to work either because of normal work hours or because i wanted to get something done, or because i wanted to go flying. its sick and twisted but i dig it. in an effort to at least get my mind off of flying for a little bit each day i went out and bought a biography of abraham lincoln, which segues perfectly to the second new habit.

after a long day of slaving over airplanes (oh boo-hoo) i go home and, if its nice out, head right outside with a book. ill stay there until the last few rays of sun are left and then head inside and probably keep reading until i fall asleep. watching a sunset is by far my favorite thing to do in the air (when not in a plane that can roll and loop and stuff) so its carried over to when im on the ground too.

this last bit, im a little ashamed of. it transgresses alot of what ive done, who i am, what my friends think of me, and a large part of my integrity. every morning, ill wake up, go shower, get dressed, make a lunch or something (this isnt the new part, ive been a clean dude since 25 years ago....24 years ago). all the while, i usually put on the country music channel. thats music channel. alot of it is stupid cheese, but alot of it is just fun. if you get the right song stuck in your head itll send you off to work in a pretty damn good mood. but, country music? i surprised even myself with this one. its ryan adams' fault. and someone elses, they know who they are. but goddamn, country music? watch, next thing you know ill be living out in wisconsin, driving a pick up truck and going to the big friday night bratwurst fry event. yee-haw!!!!


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