Sunday, July 02, 2006

cynicism and its reluctant poison

tonight i wanted to write a post. i thought of all the observations ive made regarding life in RI up to this point and listed them, quite pointedly and with a remarkable level of excruiating elitism that honestly made me rather dissappointed in myself. i dont want to be that type of person, i really dont, nor do i want to sound like a self righteous suburban gandhi, but i would prefer to be at the very least decent.
cynicism is fun. everyone partakes, at some point in judging someone else, whether over a certain fashion choice or by some materialistic venture they may have pursued. what is the point though, in discrediting some other persons aspirations because they are not aligned with your own? what i may deem as ordinary someone else may see as noble. what i deem as extraordinary someone else could scoff at and call it frivilous.
as i said, i dont want to be that person. there is no point to it. as soon as you dismiss someone's ambition as being subserviant to your own, you are belittling them and taking them for granted. i do of course reserve the right to view certain types of aspirations as worthwhile and admirable and others as being trite. this is not an attack on the person, or a judgement against them. if youre doing something that makes you happy, all the best for you, i hope you get it. but when someone strives for something that takes a remarkable amount of effort that perhaps goes outside their normal means, ill be right there in their corner rooting them on. when someones goals dont go any further than a new set of rims, well, thats cool and all, but i hold that there are more dear things to be found.

but i mean...rims? can you find a quicker way to blow $2500???

i got alot of responses from folks about my invite to go flying. dont be jealous please, im just doing what i love to do. yeah its cool, but so is studying for the bar exam or going and performing surgery on a beached whale. anyone can fly a plane, its pretty simple, but becoming a competent lawyer or looking at a animal and be able to say "i can fix that" is remarkable. ill still take my sunsets though. at 4,500ft you can watch the sun drop below you. ill post some pictures as soon as i get them.


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