Monday, November 27, 2006

family reunion

as promised, i was supposed to fly out to Harrisburg, PA and then gorge (proper spelling? did i just use a landform as a verb?) myself on thanksgiving dinner. some asshole deciding to pour buckets and buckets and buckets and i think at one point a tractor trailers worth of rain on us thanksgiving day. damn damn damn. the only upside to that was not having to wake up at 5am to get up in the air in time. for those of you that have been sitting on the edge of your seats biting your nails, willing my brother in law to not screw up the dinner, he didnt. his mom cooked it. the cheat. and it wasnt half bad. but whats this? it didnt feel like thanksgiving at all. usually we go to my aunts house and its all big and warm and cozy. that teeny little change changed the whole thing for me.
one change that is very much welcomed into the life of the poot is driving through my neighborhood this time of year. right now in boston, i would have to stand outside and wait for the T and get my face stung by the wind when its cold, and fight for a spot under the awning when it rains. there will be leaves all over the place and concrete buildings make for a poor backdrop for bare trees. sorry but it just looks cold and dead. down here though, i forgot how much i loved seeing freshly raked lawns. its got to be relative to seeing a lawn that hasnt been touched since august, but i love seeing yards void of leaves and framed by bare trees. you can always tell when its just been done too, i dont know how, its not like freshly combed hair or anything, but it just looks so hospitable. i dig it.
i did head up to boston for the first time since july this past weekend to visit kaitlin, aldo, alissa, glyda, jake, joe, sharon, jimi, ann, dalia, keith, annnnnnd i think thats it. if i forgot that i saw someone this weekend i really apologize. to summarize ; i miss my friends. i dont miss boston, and i dont miss going to bars. but my friends, yup, miss them alot. quote of the weekend:

me: "no really, i dont do alot of stuff that i used to. i cant, i get nasty headaches. i dont drink coffee, drink any soda, drink beer.."
alissa: ...have sex."


ouch. yet somehow i miss these people. yes i do.


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