Monday, November 20, 2006

to what do you owe this pleasure?

nothing really, you owe nothing. you are to receive my thoughts free of charge, in part because you get what you pay for. thats not to say that im going to type about nothing, merely the quality shall be a bit lack luster. moving on...

i know its been a month since i last wrote anything, but thats a reflection of how busy/scatterbrained ive been. you ever get in a funk where you are actually being productive but in the meantime you forget how to do simple, normally reflexive things like....oh i dont know...blink? if you were a fly on my wall you would see me raising my hand doing the fourth grade "ooh-oooh-ooohhh-call on me thing. actually, youd see me sitting in bed typing this, but id want to do the ooh ooh me me thing if i werent too tired and introverted...even in a myself. moving on...again.

this past week sucked so bad. (hows THAT for proper diction?! i spit in Dickens' face, that bastard.) really though, it did. it rained almost everyday, and those days that we werent ambushed by celestial sweat, the clouds were hanging extra low. that meant no flying, which meant no customers, which meant slow days at work, which meant find stuff to do, which meant get rusty doing all the regular stuff you usually do, which meant when the sun comes out im supposed to do wha? you get the point.

i am reading 6 books all at the same time right now. that is a personal record. its completely pointless but if we read deeper in my psuedoblogger mindframe, youd see that it points to a deeper sense of restlessness, camoflagued (sp?) by an attempt to be smart. that all sounds fancy and whatnot, but i think it just boils down to boredom. not boredom with flying or work, but when i get home after a day, it feels like im putting on a pair of wet jeans. i dont feel like doing it, its not the most comfortable thing in the world, and slightly cold. how does this translate to boredom? it doesnt, it translates to restlessness, which is another case of me being restless such that i couldnt even stick with a particular state of being/adverb.

please stop calling it turkey day. its sounds so incredibly stupid. meh meh turkey day turkey day. whenever i hear someone say that, i seriously envision them with the turkey jowls under their chin. are those jowls? is there a proper name for that? but i do picture the assailant with those things hanging from their face. i know its flattering and all but its not my fault, youre the one that sounds like a brain damaged forrest gump. this year proves to be a good one though, it is in fact my favorite holiday and the one day during which i actually like to watch football. since no one in my clan is eating until late in the day, im taking advantage of the free day and flying out to Harrisburg, PA in the morning, and back of course. im going to be so wiped by the time i get back that eating that dinner is going to be quite possibly the best meal of my entire life. you could say that the stakes are high. my brother-in-law had best not screw up.


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