Tuesday, August 30, 2005

news flash

the band is done. the lgb is officially no more, at least not in its original lineup. as you all may or may not know, dave left the band in late july. he had some differences in musical opinion and wasnt satisfied with things and needed to try some new things.
in all the fiasco of trying to rearrange things laura has decided to relocate herself back to her hometown of chicago. she made the announcement to aloha and myself last night. i will respect her enough to allow her to explain herself in her own words. needless to say i am not at all pleased with her decision, but i am not about to fight over it.
it was great fun, i met some cool people. played some great songs. had some good trips. i gave up alot to play in this band, money, jobs, loves, futures, every time you choose to pursue something you are turning your back on an infinite number of futures. the trick is to choose wisely enough to not regret the choices youve made. in truth i dont, but i sure wish that this band did not meet its end prematurely.
so whats up next for the poot? well, now that i am not tied to boston for any reason what so ever, the world is mine to see. first stop might be tucson, arizona. completely random i know, but there is a great flight school out there, and living is ridiculously cheap. im looking into it, but we shall see, maybe ill regroup in ri for a bit. i cant say that i want to start something new musically right now, so ill just be looking up into the sky for everything for awhile. its a damn good thing i love the smell of jet fuel.
thanks to everyone who ever came out to our shows, you have made everything worthwhile. and the blog will continue too, dont worry about that.


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