Friday, September 01, 2006

Bury Dan

few years ago i used to hang out in danbury, ct all the time. this is before i really started flying, but well into my obsession with it. i noticed that planes would be flying into this airport surrounded by huge giant hills. so, ive always wanted to go fly into that field and see what it is like.

holy shit.

the place is bad ass. basically, depending on what runway you use you either have to fly in between these huge hills, dive over them on final, or climb out like a mofo so you dont hit them. it was comical. not only that but i came in behind a pitts and saw three more sitting in a hangar. needless to say i think ill be spending some more time out at that field.

a public service announcement: yellowtail shiraz is awesome. its $6 for a bottle and is delicious. i once splurged and spent $50 on a bottle of shiraz and it was horrible. do yourself a favor and treat yourself to some yellowtail.

the poll about what i should do with my moolah is split. i think a more realistic goal at this point is to pay off my loans. way less fun, way more practical and repsonsible. or ill get the car. hmmmmmmm.

one last thing, i owe jack $10. i titled an entry "blah blah woof woof" and challenged everyone to tell me where i got that from (it didnt post to the myspace blog for some reason). regardless, jack got it. it is a jimi hendrix quote from some stage banter from his woodstock recording. now you know.


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