Sunday, June 05, 2005

eternal complaints of the absent minded

it was bound to happen. every single year, the same thing happens. for a period of about 5 or 6 months, starting sometime in october, the human race, inhabiting the northern hemisphere, starts complaining. it is all of a sudden too cold, too windy, where did the summer go? i i wish it were summer again. its inevitable and we are all guilty. we just think back to swimming pools and beach mornings. lemonade in the sun and cookouts with family and friends. we forget about humidity, heat, heat, and humidity, and heat, and humidity. so then when summer finally makes his first appearance of the year like some starlet showing up to his own surprise party that he already knew about it, after everyone already shouted surprise for somone else by accident, its almost an unwelcomed guest. waywards metaphor but you get the picture. its hot as a mutha out today. and everyone is complaining. after that shit ass week that we had, its finally nice and everyone is saying "its nice out, but its just too hot." so everyone puts their air conditioners in and in the back of their minds wishes that they could get a tan from the TV that they so cowardly retreat to. i for one am doing the one great thing a person can do to remain cool. donning a red sox jersey and imbibing copius amounts of coronas. after all, it is the cerveza mas fina.


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